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Showing posts from 2013

vSphere Replication - checking the replication status

Enable SSH on ESXi host (you can do this using vCenter) Download putty or any SSH client and log in with root access vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms ~ # vim-cmd hbrsvc Commands available under hbrsvc/: vmreplica.abort vmreplica.pause vmreplica.create vmreplica.queryReplicationState vmreplica.disable vmreplica.reconfig vmreplica.diskDisable vmreplica.resume vmreplica.diskEnable vmreplica.startOfflineInstance vmreplica.enable vmreplica.stopOfflineInstance vmreplica.getConfig vmreplica.sync vmreplica.getState  See more at:

Horizon Workspace - failed to preview Microsoft documents

If you are having trouble viewing Microsoft document online, you probably need to run the below to connect the proxy server and download the necessary components. • Login as root to Data VA • export http_proxy= http:// user:password@ <proxy server>:<port>  (if proxy is needed to get to Internet)  • /opt/zimbra/libexec/ • You can run "tail -f /tmp/" to monitor the progress of the install  • Restart the server: su - zimbra -c “zmmailboxdctl restart” 

Packaging MS Office 2013 Professional Plus with Thinapp 4.7.3

I can't find the link to package MS Office 2013 but only MS Office 2010 as here . I'm packaging MS Office 2013 the same way MS office 2010 did and it works. Some notes to be taken:- Always run the thinapp with local administrator privilege. Make sure you modify the config.xml (located on proplusr.ww folder), save it and run the setup in command prompt, e.g.. setup.exe /config c:\tmp\config.xml I will choose to run thinapp with VMware Fusion/Workstation with SSD and snapshot. This will allow you to easily revert the snapshot anytime you like. Since the whole Office will be packaged, always select option "Run all from my computer" Always remember to run the application a couple times after installation Always remember to activate the license before proceeding with post-scan I've not installed .net framework as suggested by some blog and the Office 2013 is working. I will run the application and testing to see how it goes. So far, I've thinapp MS o...
I've setup ML110 with ESXi 5.1 (1P2C, 8GB). While booting up machine, I got error - "cannot find compatible host". I need to SSH and type the following to restart the services. SSH to the ESXi host directly run /sbin/ restart

VMware View 5.2 with Blast

View 5.2 support Blast, allowing user to connect to View desktop via HTML 5. To enable Blast, you need to follow the following steps.  Setup and configure View 5.2 and provision at least 1 desktop pool with PCOIP. Make sure the infra is ready for Blast installation.  On View server, install VMware-Horizon-View-HTML-Access_X64-<build number>.exe which is currently still in Beta. You can download from On the hosted desktop image, install VMware-Blast-<build number>.exe or VMware-Blast-x64-<build number>.exe. You can download from above link as well. Login into Horizon View Administrator page, create a desktop pool and enable HTML access on the pool settings page. Currently it support all different desktop type. You can now access the virtual desktop with browser that support HTML5. Just launch any these browsers and type "https://<hostname or IP>>". Currently, it's still Be...

Installing Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 Express Management Studio

Freaking Microsoft deployment shit... Always installed the management studio on other host. This is the copy I used - For some reason, I've failed to add this management studio on the SQL Express machine.

iOS 6.1.2 jailbreak with Evasi0n

1. Update to the latest iOS 6.1.2 2. Read through 3. Downl oad  Evasi0n v1.5 ( Windows ,  Mac  and  Linux )  Installous no longer work... There are other "repositories" you can use now... Goto I found vShare is useful. You need to add the source - and install this version instead. 

vSphere Replication (vSR) - How much data is replicated?

You will need to go through this  link  before you read through the testing I've gone through. I have configured protected site and recovery site in my home lab. PJ (protected) site versus SG (recovery). I have include 1 VM (PJ-AD01) only in my protection group. This is to test how much data has been replicated with the chances close to 1GB file added and deleted. I have tried 5 scenarios; Just adding the 1GB file Adding 1GB file and delete 1GB file Delete 1GB file and add the same 1GB file Just remove existing 1GB file from disk Adding 2GB file, delete 2GB file, and add another 1GB file It seems that data chances tracked by SRM is always based on adding file instead as shown below. Although it is stated last sync data is close to 1GB for the first 3 scenarios. When we checked on the network utilization, it only took slightly more than 1 minute (to be exact, 1m18s) to replicate the changes (block-level change between the last sync) at max 14000KBps. ...