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Can't connect to Hotel WiFi or Starbucks WiFi

Recently I've got this problem connecting to Eastin Hotel WiFi on my Macbook. After further investigation, I noticed Eastin Hotel WiFi's gateway is pointing to which is also the same vmnet1 IP address configured if you have VMware Fusion installed on the Macbook.

There are 2 options to avoid this problem. First option is to change the vmnet1 IP to some other IP network range or get Hotel to change their GW (which I don't think it's possible at all). Second option make more sense. Temporarily disable the vmnet1 to avoid the routing conflict. 

You can run Terminal to do so.

1. Type Ifconfig for the list of available adapter

2. You will noticed the vmnet1 has the IP address of and vmnet8 has the IP address of In any network, you can't have 2 similar IP connected and this will confuse the network routing.

3. If you have no idea which IP is conflicting, just disable both vmnet1 and vmnet2 as shown below:-

sudo ifconfig vmnet1 down
> Type your mac user's password

sudo ifconfig vmnet8 down

4. You should be able to access the WiFi now.

To enable the adapter:-
sudo ifconfig vmnet1 up
sudo ifconfig vmnet8 up


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