I'm trying to setup a shared storage for ESXi HA and vMotion demo purpose on VMware Fusion. I guess the easiest way with be enabling the native NFS in Mac rather than powering another iSCSI storage such as OpenFiler, FreeNAS, Lefthand VSA, VMware VSA, etc.. To view your VMnet, type ifconfig in Terminal. Edit /etc/exports : sudo vi /etc/exports Add a line like the following (I'm using NAT network for my ESXi network, hence using the VMnet8 interface with the range of /Users -maproot=root -network -mask Enable nfsd : sudo nfsd enable Test your work: showmount -e You can view the nfsd status: sudo nfsd status To restart the nfsd : sudo nfsd restart You can now try to connect ESXi to the NFS or using Mac's Finder to test the connection. Try this... Launch Finder, and press "Shift+Command+G" and type "/net/YourComputerIP/Users". Other method, you can refer to http://support...
This is meant for educational purpose.