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Showing posts from 2016

Starting up vCO

I'm working on vCenter 5.5. Log into vCenter (Windows) and start "VMware vCenter Orchestrator Configuration" service. Once it's started, go to and start the configuration. Default username: vmware, password: vmware. It will prompt to change password. Once the "VMware vCenter Orchestrator Configuration" page is accessible, start the "VMware vCenter Orchestrator Server" service on the VMware vCenter Orchestrator Configuration page. It took a while to start the service... launch, download vCenter Orchestrator Client and launch it.

VMware vRA vs VIO

Found this cool site talking about the difference VMware vRA vs VIO - This one is pretty good also -

Redmi Note 2

Need to update from updater to get keyboard Install kingroot Install Google app - If this playstore doesn’t work on your smartphone try using different package. MIUI 7 for all other smartphones is based on Android v4.4.4 KitKat so you have to download KitKat Gapps instead of Lollipop. So download Google Applications accordingly. Click here for KitKat GApps

vRA 7 Software Component - application scripts

Adobe - CMD /C START C:\TMP\AcroRdrDC1501020056_en_US.exe /sAll IIS - Powershell Import-Module ServerManager Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server import - module servermanager add - windowsfeature web - server - includeallsubfeature For Windows 2012, install-windowsfeature web-server instead. MS SQL - C:\TMP\SQL2012\setup.exe /q /ACTION=Install /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /FEATURES=SQL /INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER /UpdateEnabled=0 VI Client CMD /C START C:\TMP\VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-3249451.exe /S /v/qn To install vRA-agent - keeping the following URL for reference Cert problem (Hopefully we don't need to do this!) ManagerServiceHost = IaaS -> Windows, not the vRA. Do not need to run winservice ...