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Showing posts from January, 2013

vSphere Replication (vSR) - How much data is replicated?

You will need to go through this  link  before you read through the testing I've gone through. I have configured protected site and recovery site in my home lab. PJ (protected) site versus SG (recovery). I have include 1 VM (PJ-AD01) only in my protection group. This is to test how much data has been replicated with the chances close to 1GB file added and deleted. I have tried 5 scenarios; Just adding the 1GB file Adding 1GB file and delete 1GB file Delete 1GB file and add the same 1GB file Just remove existing 1GB file from disk Adding 2GB file, delete 2GB file, and add another 1GB file It seems that data chances tracked by SRM is always based on adding file instead as shown below. Although it is stated last sync data is close to 1GB for the first 3 scenarios. When we checked on the network utilization, it only took slightly more than 1 minute (to be exact, 1m18s) to replicate the changes (block-level change between the last sync) at max 14000KBps. ...