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Showing posts from July, 2011

What it matters - cost per application, NOT just one piece of the software cost...

I found it interesting when people want to consolidate or virtualize their datacenter x86 servers, most peoples always question on the hypervisor licensing cost and NOT cost per application. What it really matters today is how much you will be paying based on one instance application (or VM which is refer by most peoples). What most of the technology vendors like Microsoft, Citrix and Redhat did not tell you is they somehow will still charge and mare money from selling management tools like Microsoft SCVMM, Citrix Enterprise and management tools, KVM annual licensing maintenance, etc... Well, think about it... if one company is giving free stuff all time, how much development funding they will get to continue to enhance and support the product? Frankly speaking, running your datacenter on technology not mature like HyperV, you probably are losing mind... With VMware vSphere 5.0 today, it can supports monster VMs (32 vCPU and 1TB RAM) which make more sense to drive both consolidation...